India Rose

Starseed Activation Session

Starseed Activation Session

Join India on a transformative journey through the celestial realms with this Starseed Activation Session.

These powerful experiences are designed to awaken your innate cosmic potential, reconnect you with your galactic origins, and activate dormant aspects of your soul’s blueprint.

Each session is a journey of the Soul and may include:


Sacred Galactic Alignment: Journey beyond the confines of Earth and align with the frequencies of the cosmos as we tap into the wisdom of the stars and planets to activate your highest potential.


Energetic Clearing and Realignment: Release stagnant energy patterns and align with the divine flow of the universe as we clear blockages and realign your energetic field to its natural state of harmony and balance.


Soul Retrieval and Integration: Reconnect with fragmented aspects of your soul and integrate the wisdom and gifts of your cosmic lineage, empowering you to fully embody your soul’s purpose and mission on Earth.



Why Choose Galactic Activation?

Accelerated Spiritual Growth: Experience quantum leaps in your spiritual evolution as you awaken to the vastness of your cosmic nature and unlock the mysteries of the universe.


Divine Connection: Deepen your connection to the cosmic web of consciousness and expand your awareness to encompass the infinite possibilities of the cosmos.


Empowerment and Sovereignty: Embrace your role as a sovereign being of light and step into your power as a co-creator of your reality, empowered to manifest your highest visions and dreams.


Ready to Activate Your Galactic Potential? 


The stars are calling, answer the cosmic invitation and embark on a journey of soulful exploration and cosmic empowerment!

The stars are calling, answer the cosmic invitation and embark on a journey of soulful exploration and cosmic empowerment!

Assisting you on your path ahead of Healing, Expansion and Growth.

60 mins £144