India Rose

Divine Feminine Awakening

Divine Feminine Awakening

Are you ready to embark on a sacred journey to rediscover the ancient wisdom that lies

within and awaken the divine gifts within your soul?

Join India for a transformational Divine Feminine Awakening Session, connecting you with the Goddesses of

Ancient Egypt to remember the Priestess that lies within you!

Why Egypt?

In one of India’s lives in Ancient Egypt as a High Priestess, India worked with the Divine Feminine Frequency of Womb Healing.

Since activating the remembrance of this gift and connecting to it in this lifetime, India is passionate about helping others to

Awaken to their own Divine Feminine within.

Each Session is a sacred journey of the Soul and may include:

Womb Healing: Experience the transformational frequencies of Womb Healing, with

Isis, Quan Yin and Mary Magdalene, as we work with the energies of these Goddesses to release old patterns,

limiting self beliefs,blockages, wounds and trauma, held within the womb portal. Restoring peace, balance and love

back to your body, mind, and spirit. 

Goddess Isis Healing: Experience the transformational frequencies of Goddess Isis, as we work within the

temples of Ancient Egypt and work with her power and magic, releasing what no longer serves you, blockages,

old patterns, trauma and limiting self beliefs. Truly allowing for you to receive guidance,

clarity and well-being on your path ahead.

Guidance: Messages and guidance from the Egyptian deities and the Galactic realm who resonate

with your soul’s journey. Each deity has a unique gift to offer you on your path.

Soul Remembrance: Journey deep into the chambers of your soul as you uncover past lives and

ancient memories that hold the key to your souls evolution.

Soul Gifts Activations: Receive Light Language Activations to unlock your own unique spiritual gifts

and wisdom,experiencing a deeper connection to your souls purpose and mission in this lifetime.

During this session India will be channelling Light Language, for Clearings, Healings and Activations.

There will also be a connection to the Galactic star races who will assist with this session.

Are you ready to ignite the spark of transformation within your soul?

Click book below and take the first step towards a life filled with healing, joy, and abundance.

60 mins £144